The Sussex Snowdrop Trust Charity Walk

Sunday, 11 May 2025

13:00 - 15:00
Arundel Castle Estate Park - Near Hiorne Tower, Arundel, BN18 9AU
£5 adult £2 child Under 5's free

Charity walk through Arundel Castle Park, enjoying beautiful views of the South Downs

More Information (V2 Radio is not responsible for external websites)

We are delighted that the Duke of Norfolk has given us permission to hold our annual fundraising walk through Arundel Castle Park again this year.

We look forward to welcoming you, your family, friends and colleagues for a gentle walk through the stunning countryside of the South Downs. You can choose to walk a 1 mile or 5 mile course between 1pm and 3pm and all children taking part will receive a medal on the day.
This year, we are adding a bit of extra fun by inviting supporters to sponsor their dogs to take part in the walk. If you think your dog is up for the challenge, head over to our website to download a dog sponsorship form!
We will also have our famous tea tent serving delicious home-made cakes, traditional stalls, games and musical entertainment.
This is the Snowdrop Trust’s biggest fundraiser of the year – we do hope you can join us.

Bookings are now open!


Arundel Castle Estate Park - Near Hiorne Tower
Off London Road
BN18 9AU

More details for this venue


The event runs from 13:00 to 15:00 on the following dates.
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