J2W How to search for a job

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How to search for and get that job

Finding the perfect job takes time and effort.

Casually scrolling through job search websites like Indeed, Total Jobs etc. and pressing “Apply” on any job that looks remotely interesting will not get you that job.


Job Search Top Tips

A good CV

Your CV must be up to date, free from mistakes and provide enough information about your skills, experience and personality to win you an interview.


The Personal Statement at the top is your “Elevator Pitch” and may be as far as any potential employer will initially read if they have had lots of applicants. Make sure it provides a good enough snapshot of your skills, experience and attitude to get the employer to read further and add your name to the possible interview list.


Online profiles and CV’s

If you have added your CV to a job search website like Reed or Indeed, make sure you review it at least monthly to ensure it is up to date. And, before you apply for a job online, check whether your CV and profile need amending to focus on the requirements of each job you apply for.


Employers get dozens and sometimes hundreds of applications through websites like Indeed and Reed, Total Jobs etc. and it is even harder to get noticed if you are simply pressing “Apply’ like everyone else.


Find out as much as you can about the employer

Some online jobs adverts are placed by the company looking to recruit someone, rather than through an agency or anonymously through Indeed.


If this is the case, find the company’s website and see if they have a “Careers” or “Recruitment” page where you can apply direct.


Even if you can’t apply direct, always do your homework and find out as much as you can about the company or organisation offering the job before you apply.


This will help you understand whether it’s the type of business you want to work for and probably tell you more about that kind of employees they are looking for.


Job Description and Person Specifications

If an employer has included a Job Description (JD) and / or Person Specification with their job advert, make sure you read them and check that your CV mentions the skills, qualifications and experience they are looking for.


Covering letter or email

If you get the opportunity, it is always good to provide a short covering letter or email with your CV or application form.


This gives you the chance to explain how much you want the job and why you would be a great addition to their company.


Online applications

Rather than asking for a CV and covering letter, many companies ask people to complete an application form.


The good thing about application forms is that every applicant has the same opportunity to list their skills and experience and it is much quicker for an employer to see which applicants match the job description and person specification.


Check your spelling and grammar as you complete the application form and, if possible, ask a friend or relative to have a look through before you send it off.


Not all jobs are advertised on Indeed

Lots of companies advertise their own job vacancies – it’s cheaper than paying someone like Indeed or a recruitment agency and they know better than anyone exactly what kind of person they are looking for.


Make a list of the types of companies, industries and organisations you would like to work for.

For example, you may be keen to work in the public sector for a local council as they tend to pay quite well, have good pension schemes and lots of opportunity for career progression.


If that’s the case, visit the websites of local councils like Littlehampton Town Council, Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council and look at their job vacancies. Also, think about places like local NHS hospitals and organisations – most do their own recruitment.


Want to work in a certain industry?

If you want to work in a certain industry, try doing a Goggle search for local companies in that industry.


For example, if you would like work for an estate agent, google “estate agents in Littlehampton or Bognor Regis” and visit the websites of companies to see if any are hiring.


Want to work for a specific company?

If you know exactly who you want to work for but can’t find any jobs being advertised, it is still worth sending them your CV and a covering letter.


Many companies hold CVs on file so that they have a ready source of candidates when an opportunity does come up.


If you are prepared to do some free work experience or would consider an apprenticeship, explain this in your covering letter as it could be a great way to get your foot in the door.


Use your friends and family!

Tell all your friends and family members what kind of job you would like and what kind of company or organisation you would like to work for.


They may work for a company who is recruiting or know someone who is and can put a good word in for you. Never underestimate the power or networking!


Good luck!

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