The council has teamed up with Arun & Chichester Citizens Advice, Chichester Community Development Trust, and Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester to put in a bid for £1.44m.
If successful, the money will be used to pay for five years of staffing and resources to develop a network of climate action community groups across the district.
Jonathan Brown, cabinet member for environmental strategy, said: “As well as taking action to cut our own carbon emissions, we have for a while now been wanting to use our position to help drive carbon emissions down across the district.
“Many of these carbon emissions are, frankly, completely outside of our control – but there are things that people, groups, companies and organisations can do locally to help reduce emissions.”
This is where Climate Champions come into play. A start has already been made on the initiative, which will work through parish councils and community groups to share best practice, motivate other communities, and encourage behaviour change at a local level.
During a consultation held last summer, more than 130 people expressed an interest in getting involved. A successful bid will help to get things up and running.
Authority was given to the council’s Director of Planning & Environment to submit the bid and to approve how the money is spent should the bid be successful.