Plans to build 29 homes in Henfield have been supported by Horsham District Council.
The application from Elivia Homes, for land to the south of Furners Lane, was discussed by the planning committee on Tuesday (March 18).
Committee members delegated final approval of the plans to the council’s head of development, asking for a number of improvements to be made, where possible.
These included footpaths and cycle paths entering and within the site, traffic calming measures to Furners Lane and improvements to the London Road/Furners Lane junction.
If delegated approval is given, the development will be made up of one, two, three and four-bedroom homes, ten of which will be classed as affordable. A new access will be opened onto Furners Lane.
The council received 13 letters objecting to the plans, with concerns raised about road safety, given the narrowness of Furners Lane.
Other concerns included over-development, the impact on the nearby village Conservation Area, and whether the proposed design of the new homes matched the character of the area.
A report to the committee said the new homes would make ‘a notable contribution to the district’s housing needs’, and pointed out that it had been identified within the Henfield Neighbourhood Plan as being suitable for development.
The report added: “The scheme would provide a housing mix in line with the needs of the area and there is no reason why the scheme could not be deliverable in the short term.”
To view the application, log on to public-access.horsham.gov.uk and search for DC/24/1538.